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CPU DasherTV

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Розробник: GreenGames Studio
0.99 USD

CPU DasherTV is a smart app that shows a lot of information in 64-bit mode for Apple A8 or later processors on Apple TV. It lists the device info, CPU info, almost all the 64-bit ARM instruction set(including general-purpose instructions and SIMD & VFP instructions) and the performance of several common algorithms. It also shows the usage and cycles for each of the instructions listed. Currently, matrix multiplication, sum of array, and color-to-gray image processing algorithm are revealed.

CPU DasherTV是迄今为止市面上唯一一款完整告诉你如何针对Apple A系列64位处理器进行优化的应用。它展示了ARMv8在64位模式下的各方面性能优势体现。该产品首先列出了当前设备基本信息以及处理器基本信息,然后列出了几乎所有ARMv8指令集,展现了其使用方法以及最大最小周期;最后本产品列出了若干通用算法的性能分析。您不仅能用它查看当前处理器的详细性能,而且还能学习到许多ARMv8架构特定的知识。